Send it 4 the sea Ahol Meetup
SEND IT 4 THE SEA hosted a beach cleanup at Virginia Key, a natural beach gem located in Miami, FL. Historically a colored beach, now it’s one of the closest natural areas to downtown Miami, with preservation and restoration key to amplify its beauty and solitude. The story behind this historic beach is actually very interesting and will give you a better sense as to how this beach has played a role through out Miami’s history. Biscayne World showed up in numbers, a strong following of Ahol Sniffs Glue fans to put in work and pickup trash of all kinds all over the beach. Trash pickup is something this group has been working on over the last year; Ahol has been dropping trash pieces where he will paint a random piece of trash on the side of the street and “drop” a picture of it on the Biscayne World Discord and on IG. With only the image to go off of and no actual location information, the group springs into action racing towards the drops’ location. We experience a couple drops throughout the day; most only took minutes to be taken by a lucky individual with local knowledge and quick reaction speed. Truly can’t wait for the next meetup and clean up. If you would like to support me please follow me on IG, and check out my portfolio for some of my best shots.
Let’s keep this going!
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